Jun 27, 2010

Taeyang's Star's Diary 8!!!

Taeyang’s ideal woman is someone who has a sincere and pure air around them, a person with a warm and considerate personality. Taeyang reveals that if he met such a person, he would want her to be his first and last love.

“I like someone who knows how to be considerate of others,” Taeyang begins. Instead of having a short term relationship, what Taeyang would like is a more deep and meaningful relationship that will last for a long time. Taeyang admits that there has been times in his life when he felt ‘worthless’ because of how awkward he felt around other people. Even still, he would prefer not to get involved in a relationship if it wasn’t going to be a long-term one.

“After meeting someone once, if you like them…you can continue to be friends, but I can’t seem to do that. Instead of a person that I can meet with in my spare time, I want to meet a person that makes me feel thankful to be alive. If I was to meet that someone tomorrow, I would like that person to be my first and last love.”

These days, Taeyang has many thoughts about love. But because of his cautious personality, he lacks a lot of experience for a young man of his age. Without having any former experience of being in love or the pain of that comes with a broken heart, Taeyang uses his imagination when it comes to expressing those kinds of feelings in songs.

“Instead of a relationship where you just fight or hurt one another and then break up, I want to meet someone that I like a lot and cherish her for as long as I can. There’s been many times when I’m singing a song that deals with scars from an old love and I think, ‘This is what it’s going to feel like’. For example, in ‘Only Look At Me’, I sang that with a lot of anguish, but I had no experience to draw from. I just sang it with the feeling of ‘I love this girl so much’.”

At a young age of 22, Taeyang still has many opportunities that lie ahead for his career and personal life. With his distinct calmness and serious personality, he will take his future one step at a time. Even though his stage persona may say ‘I know everything’, his real personality feels much more sincere and down to earth.

Oh my god.... he's soo romantic!!  And soo innocent......woow we're about to crying! He felt worthless? He is the only person that is more worth than the whole world! WE LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH!!

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