Mar 21, 2016


It’s a war for tickets.
So, the winner is?

Hwang Jeong-min!
Actor Hwang Jeong-Min was the unexpected winner, because he could make it to the BIG BANG concert for which even BIG BANG members themselves face difficulty in getting tickets. It seems to have been the right strategy for him to ask for a ticket to Gang Dong-Won.
And that smile like a sunshine. It was not something he showed even when his movie “Veteran” recorded 10 million viewers. His two hands moving are the proof that he is dancing in his mind.
On the contrary, one “BANG-girl” may have been shedding tears in her mind at the same time. She would have blamed her mouse or the Internet service at her home for failing to get the ticket.
Of course, there may be more than one or two girls like that. That is why “Dispatch” has prepared this! BIG BANG concert which is hard to go even if you are a millionaire! “Dispatch” is giving you this opportunity to see that concert.
Q. First, I wanna know the set-list of the “MADE” concert!
Q. Oh, that hurts my heart again. What was the scale of the stage like?
D : Of course it was unprecedentedly large. For the first time for an indoor concert hall, a “nude stage” was installed. It was made of 48-ton-heavy steel truss.
Q. “Nude stage”?
D : Have you ever sat on a seat on the sides of a concert hall? It is hard to see the concert because of steel structures installed there. BIG BANG used hard steel truss instead of aluminum truss. That is why they did not need a specific subsidiary structure.
Q. That sounds like “God-BANG”. They took care of the visibility of fans seating on side seats.
D : That is not all. The concert was live-broadcasted on NAVER “V-APP”. Total six multi-cameras shot BIG BANG. That enabled fans to see the BIG BANG concert in their own homes.
Q. The sound was of course good, right?
D : The quality of the sound was one of the best. They applied “Adamson Energia System” which is usually used by world-famous pop stars. The system minimized imbalance in the sound by restricting frequency interference.
Q. Wow! That must have been really good to listen to!
D : Yes. It was like a sound shower, you know, at a concert of an idol group! The system also helped the members present the best live performances.
Q. How could it be possible?
D : World-class concert staff gathered to help BIG BANG’s concert. Roy Bennett who designed the lighting for Paul McCartney’s concert, as well as Ed Burke who has worked as Beyonce’s concert videographer took part in BIG BANG’s tour.
Q. Oh, I should have been there. How many fans were there?
D : Total 39,000 fans came to the three days of concert from March 4 to 6. That was 13,000 fans for a day. There were many fans who were waiting outside the concert hall, to get tickets that others cancelled.
Q. Were there any event for fans at the concert?
D : You know, BIG BANG fans made “big bang” donations. Total 64 fan supporters donated 20 tons of rice, 10,000 packs of ramen, 4,250 pieces of coal briquettes, and 120kg of animal feed.
Q. That must have touched the members deeply!
D : Of course, Seungri seemed to be the most touched. He left a message that BIG BANG will use those donations for meaningful purposes.
Q. Oh, I can’t wait any longer. Now, please talk about the concert itself.
D : First, a special video that was shot in the States was played. In the video, BIG BANG members were mafias. They engaged in a breath-taking chase against a female gangster, in which Taeyang’s wild driving skills were displayed.
Q. What was the opening performance like?
D: The first song BIG BANG performed was “BANG BANG BANG”. Each one of the members appeared on the stage on individual lift. The scene of the members dancing in a line was breath-taking. The firework and firecrackers created eye-catching spectacles as well!
Q. Now I’m curious about what they said at the beginning. What was the first word that BIG BANG said to fans?
D : GD / (Totally excited) Hi, how have you been? BIG BANG has come back. It is the last day of our world tour and how are you feeling now? Please enjoy our concert until the very end!
Seungri / (In dialect) How have you been everyone? How are you? Didn’t you miss me? Are you ready to enjoy today? Are you ready?
T.O.P/ (Most serious) Hi, nice to see you. It rained yesterday, but it’s sunny today. Welcome to “MADE” concert. Please enjoy today!
Daesung / (like a pterosaurs) Hi, long time no see. This is DAESUNG. It’s our final concert today. I really thank you and let’s play hard with us tonight!
Taeyang / (playful Young-Bae Ver.) I love you. It’s the last day today, as you know. Are you ready to play? Are you ready to enjoy all together? Scream~
Q. I guess BIG BANG performed a parade of dance music after the opening.
D : That’s correct. BIG BANG performed “TONIGHT”, “STUPID LIAR” after “BANG BANG BANG”. In the performance of “TONIGHT”, fans could see GD’s guitar laser show.
Q. Oh, so BIG BANG began their concert by performing dance songs all the way?
D : No. you know, BIG BANG knows how to pull and push the audience. After the long dance opening, they sang “HARU HARU”. That was a ballad version which the members sang seating on chairs. That was the moment when the BIG BANG’s singing capabilities reached its climax.
Q. I bet fans really loved that sentimental ballad.
D : You’re right. All the fans were singing along “LOSER”, “BLUE”, “BAD BOY”, and “IF YOU”. BIGBANG presented a special mirror performance for “LOSER” and a remix version performance for “BLUE”.
Q. What songs in “MADE” album were performed?
D : “SOBER” and “BAE BAE”. Daesung staged his drum performance for “SOBER”. The other members danced to Daesung’s drum sound.
Q. What about my favorite song “BAE BAE”?
D : I finally understood the reason why the song is the favorite song for so many BIGBANG fans. I couldn’t take my eyes off for even a second. And you know, what was even better than that was…
Q. Even better?
D : Fans prepared a surprise event for BIG BANG. They waved placards that read “BIG BANG is my everything”. The scene of 13,000 fans waving the placards all together was quite spectacular.
Q. Oh, I’m also really curious about the performances of unit teams!
D :  First, the unit team of GD&T.O.P performed “ZUTTER”. They created a perfect harmony with fans. For example, when GD sang the part “this song is “, fans shouted “zutter”.
D : You’re good! “GOOD BOY” received the biggest acclamation from fans. Fans shouted “I am a good boy” and moved to the rhythm. You know, like singer, like fans. The fans knew how to move to the rhythm.
Q. Solo performances of BIG BANG members are really good, too, aren’t they?
D : Seungri gave the first solo performance. He sang “STRONG BABY” to a band performance. Fans were all standing and clapping. Daesung sang “WINGS” on a lift.
Q. What about T.O.P, Taeyang, and GD?
D : T.O.P performed “DOOM DADA”. You know, the lyrics of “DOOM DADA” are rather hard to understand, but fans sang along the song from the beginning to the end. Taeyang’s performance was something unexpected. He sang “EYES, NOSE, LIPS” without any sound effect. That fully demonstrated Taeyang’s heart.
Q. I’m actually a big fan of GD. I want a more detailed explanation about his performance.
D : GD worked really hard. As soon as he finished the unit performance, he performed his solo performance of “CROOKED”. Fans began to jump upon listening to the intro of the song. I though the seats might break down.
Meanwhile, GD came down to the audience seat to directly communicate with fans. After he sang the last verse “Crooked for tonight”, he closed his eyes and then swept his sweat. That showed he did his best for those performances.
Q. So, all those were live performances?
D. The first thing that comes across your mind when you think about BIG BANG is the electronic sound, isn’t it? BIG BANG’s voice harmonized with the live session sounded really new and fresh.
Q. What was the ending like? Where there any encore performance?
D : That last song was “FANTASTIC BABY”. Because it was the last one, all the fans stood up from their seats and enjoyed themselves. Even after the end of the song, no one left their seat.
Q. Of course! BIG BANG’s concert ain’t over till it’s over!
D : All of a sudden, fans began to sing “HEAVEN” all together. When they sang the part “I love you/ I remember you”, BIG BANG came upon the stage again.
Q. Oh, so that must have become the true final song. What was the encore song?
D : It was “WE LIKE 2 PARTY”. That was the climax of fan service. Notably, T.O.P took his mobile phone out to take photos of fans. GD made eye contacts with fans with tears in his eyes.
Q. What was “Dispatch”’s favorite performance?
D : “IF YOU” left the biggest impression. BIG BANG’s true vocal capabilities stood out in that performance. They sang so passionately with live band. Plus, the laser show in T.O.P’s solo performance was also captivating.
Q. Oh my god, you saw a laser show?
D : Usually, there are eight lasers in concert halls. However, BIG BANG installed as many as 106 large-output color lasers. That equipment could materialize as many as 25,600 colors. It was a truly fancy and colorful spectacle.
Q. I’m jealous but I want to hear more. What was BIG BANG’s service for fans was like?
D : That was one of the best as well. The moving stage played big role for that. BIG BANG moved from the edge of the stage to the center, riding on the moving stage. BIG BANG members cared for each and every audience all over the concert hall, not to dissatisfy any one of them.
Q. In fact, BIG BANG said before the concert that there will be less than one year left for them to perform as the complete team of BIG BANG.
D : Yes, that was why fans felt sadder than ever. Now, I think it’s time to unveil BIG BANG’s message for Korean fans.
Q. What? They left a special message for Korean fans?
D : Seungri / All this could not have been possible if it were not you Korean fans.
Taeyang / We’ve been to so many countries in our world tour. However, I missed Korean fans more than any fans in any other countries.
Daesung / Your singing is the world’s best. You always sing along our songs from the beginning to the end. You also sing in exact notes. Thank you so much. I feel like I’m home now.
T.O.P / When we stood on the stage of this hall for the first time, you were middle-school or high-school girls. Now, you’re all grown-up ladies. I’m really happy to see Korean fans after a long time.
GD / I’m so glad to see you again one year after the beginning of the tour. You know, Korean girls are the most beautiful in the world. My heart is pounding and I want to look good to you.
Q. I really envy “BANG-girls”!
D : Hahaha. I understand. The concert covered all the 10 years of BIG BANG’s artistic career for the 10 years since their debut.
Q. That’s right. This kind of world tour was possible because it was BIG BANG.
D : In fact, BIG BANG set unprecedented record from their very first world tour in 2012. BIGBANG drew 800,000 people in the tour in 12 countries, for the first time for a Korean singer.
Q. What about the “MADE” world tour’s record?
D : Total 66 concerts were held in 32 cities in 13 countries including North American countries, Oceanic countries, as well as China and Japan. About 1.5 million fans came to see BIG BANG’s world tour.
Q. I can’t believe it’s been already 10 years since BIG BANG’s debut. What were the members’ final remarks?
D : Daesung / It’s been 10 years since our debut. Thank you for being with us despite rush of new idol groups’ debuts for the past 10 years.
T.O.P / I’ve grown old myself and I became 30 this year. There have been some hard moments for the past 10 years, but I could keep carrying on thanks to your smiles.
GD / It’s been only 10 years. We have more days to come to be together. I hope we can sing here with big smiles, even when we grow older than now.
Q. I feel like crying. Do you have any other news?
D : I’m giving you one more opportunity! BIG BANG is planning for a large-scale outdoor concert in this summer. According to Taeyang, there will be a BIG BANG festival held in celebration of their 10th anniversary. Don’t fail this time! Click like crazy!
Source: YG-Life

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