Jun 2, 2015

[Fanaccount] Big Bang on Sketchbook Recording, June 2nd

Big Bang all entered the studio from different ways and YB came in from the back and baaammm he direcrly spotted unnie and me when he hit the stage. Like literally we were the first people he looked at *.* GD entered the stage normally from the back of it and TOP,too. Seungri came from somewhere at the side and Daesung..honestyl I was so busy seeing where they went inside the crows that I missed where Dae came in from. 

They performed Bae Bae first and then Bang Bang Bang. The Choreo for “Bang Bang Bang” is freaking awesome. Big Bang totally enjoyed themselves performing it and we all loved it. That song is a true mood maker. After that “Fantastic Baby” came up and after that the talking session.  During the talk session they made Top sing but he kind of…failed hahah but in a cute way. The others helped him with the lyrics a bit but he couldn’t perform it lmao They were in a great mood (Fashion SO on point on a side-note kkk) and kept on making jokes :D The translations for the talking session are out but..I don’t want to spoil too much for the broadcast…pls wait for it!:)

After that they had a Big Bang debut special where all 5 of them were dressed in similar clothes to as when they debuted! This was the cutest thing ever and on top of that YB was wearing a GDYB shirt T_T I was dyiiing! So adorable! Theys were acting all shy and innocent like on their first days of debut…aww the throwbacks… They performed Lies and even did the full choreo lol Top was smiling during the whole song xD 
After that it was supposed to end but we wanted an encore and suddenly seungri asked if we wanted to hear another song and we shouted “yes” they had nothing prepared so they had to improvise..then YB asked if we wanted “Bang Bang Bang” or Bae Bae and we wanted “Bang Bang Bang”. So they performed this as the encore:) It was a small Big Bang concert..their energy was amazing. 
Youngbae spotted me and unnie 3 times..once right when he entered the stage then during the talk and once during the encore. And dude..idk for how long we were staring at each other*.* I was smiling the whole time at him and he would just look at me and sing…*.* 
I was singing to Lies and Daesung looked at me like “how does she know the korean part” haha And even Seungri spotted us..I waved at him so I hope he saw it kkkk
At the end Daesung left alone in his car then YB and Seungri left in one car and GD and TOP each in their own cars.
This was an unforgettable experience..please wach the broadcast guys it was sooo much fun! Big Bang were full of energy and Bang Bang Bang live will blow u away! I’m feeling endlessly happy and I don’t even know how to move on *.* 
Note: Please credit if you share! Thank you!

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