Dec 7, 2014

Big Bang Dome Tour in Fukuoka Day 1 - Fanaccount

I will try to write down what appears in my mind about the concert. Please note that this is in no particular order~ :) This is about all the members...i still hope you will like it and I'm sorry if i wrote it messily..I don't have much sleep *^^*

  • First of all....the stage was simply epic! This 360 degrees design is really amazing. Big Bang's outfits were on point. Like really...the outfits for this tour are so epic.
  • I got a rehearsal pass for that day but the mood at the Rehearsal was a bit serious..for some reason Seungri did not appear and I still don't know why :( The staff told us just that he would not come to the rehearsal and I have to say I got worried after this.
  • They performed "Feeling", "Tell Me Goodbye", and "Cafe" for the rehearsal and they were still trying to adjust the music. Youngbae was in the clothes he wore at the airport that day~ the orange jacket and ripped jeans.
  • At one point GD was talking in english. He said he wanted to remove the first bridge part for the stage later and they had som.e convo about that. But like i said they were a bit more serious yesterday.
  • When the music started, Big Bang came out in those shining outfits...YB with his hair down, TOP with shades on first, Seungri had his hair dyed a bit lighter and all of them looked gorgeous!
  • For the concert they were in such an amazing mood! They were totally enjoying it and us,too. Especially TOP was very hyper :D
  • The stage for "Love Song" is really nice! They are inside a cube-formed something and they were posing as they performed the song!
  • YB and TOP were doing push-ups while GD was doing sit-ups and just laying on the floor and Daesung and Seungri were dancing randomly.
  • The highlight for me was the "Good Boy" Stage. I wished for it sooo much and GDYB really peformed it! And they nailed it on top of this! This song inside the dome was another level.
  • When they interviewed a few fans at the front, YB and Dae even gave them sweets. One was a YB fan and the other a Dae fan.
  • The Daesung fan was allowed to ask anything from them but she only requested eye-contact. She was so nervous!
  • The other girl requested kisses (?) from YB and then he kissed his hand and arm many, many times and then make gun movements and "shot" those kisses at her.
  • There was a part when they got a gun which they used to shoot towels to the audience. Everyone succeeded and then u had GD who was totally hyped up and wanted to shoot a towel but somehow failed to shoot it to the audience so it fell down and his expression went from totally hyped up to very disappointed lol
  • YBDAERI were joking A LOT today while TOP was showing us his funny side with movements.
  • Tell Me Goodbye live gave me the chills*.* The new arrangement of the songs is really beautiful! Something new was added to each song so it was very fun to listen to them~
  • At the end of the concert when they were going out, YB spotted a fan and asked a staff to give her his snapback.
  • Seungri is really good at DJ-ing ;D He played their solo songs and was nailing those beats :D
  • At the end TOP suddenly requested for "Bad Boy" as another encore when they were actually finished. He ended up doing a solo encore out of "Bad Boy" while the rest of the members were sitting on the floor watching him and smiling.
  • The stage had several moving parts and Big Bang were moving up and down often. Seungri went to one of those parts and moved over us for 2 times and GD one time. YB was not often at our part of the stage sadly..just two or three times:(
  • Top, Dae and Seungri were mostly at our part of the dome while YB was at the opposite part and Jiyong at the very left part.
  • Big Bang loved to make jokes out of "Yahoo Dome" lol They said "ya" and we had to say "hoo" and this several times during the concert especiall YB did in it cute voices hehe
  • At one point they "devided" the audience into parts and had a challenge on who screamed louder.
  • After "Good Boy" Seungri requested Top to do the Good Boy dance. First he did not want to do it but int the end he showed us some choom Top. After him the rest of the members did the dance, too! Seungri did only a bit of it.
  • What will always move me to tears are those moments when they sing Haru Haru or just very emotional songs and damn you see how much they FEEL what they sing.
I wanted to take photos but I was right at the aisle and there was a staff going up and down during the whole concert looking for people who tried to take pictures..:(

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