Aug 20, 2014

Taeyang's Rise Tour in Kobe Day 1






Some fan accounts from Twitter. From @MShinju:
(In the middle of I need a girl) Taeyang: The girls here in Kobe are really beautiful. I will choose one of you now to come up to the stage.
He chose a girl from the front rows. The staff led her to the stage where YB took her hand to lead her to the seat in the middle. YB asked her name. She must have either been very nervous or very clever because she said she didn’t understand so instead of speaking to the mic YB leaned down close to her ear to repeat the question. Same for the next question “do you have a boyfriend?” – answer “no”. (Towards audience) No boyfriend! (small smirk) Then he went down on one knee next to her and took her hand as he resumed singing. YB stood up after a while, making her stand up too while still holding her hand. He made her turn once (leading her hand over her head) as if dancing, then half hugged her (her back to the audience) his left hand on her hip (right hand holding the mic), always singing. In the end he turned his back to the audience too and indicated her to hold onto his arm in gentleman fashion. The door in the middle of the stage opened, he lead her through the door, then it closed and both were gone. Right after that the introduction video of ENL started playing. I couldn’t see from my seat so I can only assume the VIP was led back to her seat by the staff during the video.
From @susifg:
- During the rehearsal, YB sang 3 songs: RINGA LINGA (KR), 1AM (JP) and I need a girl (KR).
- YB asked for birthday girls, chose 3, sang Happy birthday to each of them then asked them to choose a song, which he sang.
- The 2nd girl asked for 1AM in KR but YB said it wasn’t prepared, so he sang in JP instead. The girl who asked was Japanese, btw.
- When he sang Happy birthday to those 3 VIPs he did it in a very deep voice while pronouncing their names in a funny way. I’m sure they loved it.
- He didn’t talk much apart from asking their names and telling us to give our all at the concert. Language barrier maybe?
- He was wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt, a red checkered sleeveless shirt on top, light blue ripped jeans, black hat and black sunglasses.
- At the end many fans asked him to take off his sunglasses but he acted like he hadn’t heard (HE HAD!) Finally he took them off, put his hand in front of his eyes, then quickly put the sunglasses back on. We didn’t see his eyes.
- It felt quite short all in all. After “I need a girl” he made a signal to the staff who started trying to make us leave saying it was over. But YB was still on stage talking to the band members so nobody wanted to leave and we kept calling him “Youngbae!” while he ignored us.
- The encore songs today were RINGA LINGA, BODY, I NEED A GIRL and as usual the last one ENL in Korean.
- “Ask me questions” corner: – 1st girl asked YB’s phone ringtone -> YB said his phone is always on manner mode (“Manner mode” means “silent mode” or no ringtone) cos he’s a very polite person.
- 2nd girl: “Do you have a good relationship with SR?” YB was so shocked! “Why do you ask that? Does it look like we don’t get along well?” First YB made a strange face then said “SR is my beloved little brother. I gotta take good care of him. I love him” VIPs: “Aaaaaaaawwww”
- 3rd girl (a little kid, around 10yo): “Did you forget your girlfriend already?”. This question surprised YB and he got a little serious. After thinking a little bit YB replied: “It’s hard to forget, right? (not easy, takes time)” Then added: “Yes, I’ve forgotten her already.”
- YB asked for more questions but many fans told him that it was their birthday today so YB went one by one asking their names and we all sang HB.
- YB commented: “Aren’t there always too many birthday girls?” (implying it’s not normal). But even so I think we sang HB to at least 4 VIPs.
- After singing the birthday songs YB asked if the male fans at the concert had any questions, and a man in the crowd asked him a favour instead. He talked without a mic so I couldn’t hear well but I think he said something like “Even though I’m a 50 year old man, will you be my friend?” YB said “Of course!” and the man started walking down the aisle towards the stage and when he got on the stage YB and him put their arms around each other’s backs and posed for a pic. This is when I thought that maybe the guy had asked “Can you take a picture with me?” instead. After the pic YB asked “Is that enough?” (Are you fine just with that?), the fan made a face like “I can’t waste this chance” and hugged YB. It was a bear hug, very cute. Then the man bowed down to the audience apologizing for daring to hug YB and got off the stage.

Source: @bobochachachips, @YB_518

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