Nov 12, 2013

"Is this Tattoo real?" Taeyang's 1MM at waiting room


My name is T to the A to the E (to the) Y to the A N G
Hello, all. This is Tae-yang. I’m saying hello to you as a solo singer Tae-yang, not a member of ‘Big Bang’ today. Have you listened to my new album ’RINGA LINGA’? The album was released in three years since ‘I Need a Girl’ in 2010. It is a strong hip-hop song.
I came back through SBS-TV’s ‘The Music Trend’ on November 10 with ‘RINGA LINGA’. I waved my hands as if I were ‘liberated’ and shook my body as if I had a ‘seizure’. In fact, however, I was very nervous. 7 years of singing career? How many years does not matter. A comeback stage always makes me nervous like a debut stage.
Tae-yang has come back in three years. Do you want to hear about behind-the-scenes story of the day? Let me bring you to my waiting room.  


'Tae-yang' showed up at the waiting room of 'The Music Trend'. As soon as I found my name there, my heart started to pound. I finally felt for real that I was coming back. I tried to relieve nervousness as much as possible before I went up to the stage. How? I will share my know-how with you.

  • 1) Eating always comes first
Yeah, you are right. Eating always comes first. I should have some carbs. I am really grateful to my fans especially when I need carbs. They sent me a hand-made lunchbox. The phrases like ‘Tae-yang’ and ‘RINGA LINGA’ are written on the package. My fans have such a good sense about these. 


They did not just take care of me but also prepared snacks for the staff. They sent them rice, fruit, and beverage. The package was perfect and greater than any course dish. It was delicious. I and staff members could have some carbs thanks to them. Thank you, VIP.


My fans are so good at these... Can you see the cactus in the flower basket? The cactus looks like my head. That is probably why they chose a cactus among many flowers. I could feel relaxed thanks to the support from fans. Now I should start to control my mind.  


  • 2) Time for Meditation
I am not dazed at all. I am meditating. I am rewinding the choreography and lyrics in my head dozens or hundreds of times. After I imaging my performance in advance, my mind is at peace. This is how I can maintain stability when I dance or sing.  

  • 3) Looking over Singer’s CDs
Preparations for a comeback stage begin early in the morning. In fact, you can find some time before the show. Today, ‘Bangtan Boys’, who appeared on ‘The Music Trend’ with me, gave me their CD. They reminded me of the early days of ’Big Bang’. I feel amazed. I should do well today with the mindset that I had during those days in mind.  
☞ Free time is over. I should get ready to come up to stage. First, ▶ costume check ▶ tattoo drawing ▶ hairstyle check ▶ accessory check ▶ rehearsal video check. Wait a moment, I should check my pants.


The stylist checked my pants first. There are many fierce dance moves. A fit of pants is very important. Particulalry, when I stretch my feet out, a suit fit should be gorgeous. I should look cool from head to toe.  


Next is how the tattoo is created, which many people are wondering about. Our tattoo stylists did the job. Can you see their craftsmanship? They drew a tattoo in detail on my hand. The tattoo made a more chic Tae-yang.


"Please pay extra-special attention to my tattoo"


"I should wave my hands!"


A hairstyle is crucial, too. I have a bleached hair this time. The key to this hairstyle is hair that looks alive. Each strand of hair should be lifted in great attention. Well, I remind you once again that I am not asleep now.




Finally, an accessory check is essential. I wore earrings and necklaces. My fingers look empty. Shall we try a ring on? For accessories, I always choose them. Today, I chose a big silver ring. 


"Should I try another set of earrings?"


"I like the details of these shoes”


 Everything is set. All I have to do is to take to the stage. There is an essential step to take before coming up to the stage. It is a rehearsal video check. I watched the video over and over to show audience a perfect performance in three years.




"Do you know where I am?"
"I’m here"


"I’m here"


I can already hear the cheers from fans. Well, then, I am leaving now for my comeback stage.
RINGA LINGA RING, everybody!


"Are you ready?"


"Tae! Y to the A N G"

"The tattoo is visible"


"Ringa Linga Ring, everybody!"
Written by Tae-yang (Big Bang)
Edited by Kim Hyo-eun (Dispatch)
Photograph: YG Entertainment
Full Source & Trans by: NAVER

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