Jul 29, 2011

Big Bang @ the airport in New Zealand returning to Korea



This is sort of part pics, part fan account. You can skip the rambling if you want. The pictures aren't that clear. I forgot my camera at home so all I had to make do with was the phone camera ;______;

They'll be HD pics uploaded soon. A lot of the fans brought their cameras and took really nice pictures.

Hmm, I actually tried looking for Big Bang about 2 times previously. I know it's creepy and I should let them enjoy their time in NZ but no one even KNOWS the existence of NZ and for Big Bang of all people to come here, it's like a dream come true. Sides, all I really wanted to do was see them with my very own eyes.

Anyways, I saw the Queenstown airport pics and knew they'll be on the morning flight to Seoul, so I dragged my friend with me to the airport at like 7am. When we got there, about 10-20 fans were all anxiously waiting already. It wasn't even 2 minutes until I heard everyone just going crazy and running out of the doors. Following them, I knew this was it. Big Bang. And there they were, Seungri, TOP, GD, the managers, their stylist. In all their whole entourage was at least 10 people. And they walked straight to first class counters. Gah, imagine how much money YG spends on plane tickets alone.

Of course everyone start squealing and giggling and screaming all while everyone at the airport were looking at that group of Asisan girls and going W.T.F. Even the airport security wanted to know who they were. They knew Big Bang was a pretty big deal but had no idea why. There was actually a groups of Koreans who were boarding the same plane and surprised at seeing Big Bang. Had no idea what they were saying but judging from their reactions, they were quite shocked at seeing them, just standing there checking in. They were going 'Is that Big Bang?' 'Is that G-Dragon and Taeyang?'

Everyone was hyperventilating at the sight of BB in front of them, except, one person was missing. Taeyang! My friend and I were like 'Where's Taeyang?' 'Where's Taeyang?' 'Did he walked pass?'

Turns out he was trapped in a circle of fangirls giving out signatures.That boy is so damm sweet. He himself prob gave out 5 signatures. I wanted one from him but his manager pulled him away before I could ask. I think they were looking for him too lol. After was got to the counter, he did this tiny lil dance for the fans haha. It was adorable. And finally the question I wanted to know for so long. How short was he?

I was wearing heels so I kinda tower everyone except TOP. But I would say under 170cm. Or if I were nice, 170-175cm. But he was just so damm nice. His manager had to practically pulled him away at least 3 times because he keep signing stuff for the fans. Ah! And while he was signing, this one fan said I love you to him and he said I love you back to her. She was spazzing all over the place.

TOP as usual was all covered up and with his infamous beanie. Either he was really tired from waking up so early or really shy because he just basically kept his head down the whole time. He was wearing shorts with black tights underneath. It's so ridiculous and hilarious at the same time.

Seungri didn't stand up as much as he was head to toe black. Most of the time you couldn't even see him in their group of entourage. After Big Bang got into the terminal, everyone raced to this part where there's an overhead view of the terminal. After ten minutes of so, we saw Seungri walking by himself, he prob looking for something/somewhere because he kept wondering round. In the end, he had to ask for directions.

And seeing GD in real life. I died! Especially seeing that smile of his! GAAAAAH. He just looks so damm good. Pictures of him do no justice until you see him in real life. Even just standing there filling out his departure forms he had more swag their half of K-Pop. One fan shouted 'JI YONG OPPA!' He turn around, looked, waved and everyone just died on the spot. There was a little girl in the queue and I heard GD and Taeyang both gave her their signatures. Such sweethearts. My friend said GD smelled nice. I don't know why, out of all the things she choose to sniff GD.

To get up to the terminals, you had to go upstairs so while they were going up the escalators, GD and Taeyang were THIIIIIIIS close to me. Even with on that brief ride up the escalators, Taeyang STILL managed to give out his autograph. The pen run out of ink being right beside him, I lend him mine(treasure you forever sharpie). Was gonna get my signature next but his manager once again had to pull him away.

I was concentrating on taking a picture of Taeyang in front of so I didn't even notice that TOP and GD were both walking right next to me. Every time I turned around, TOP will walk pass. Then when I turned around again, GD would walk past. So close and I didn't even notice =___=;

When they got up to the departure gate, I had the sudden impulsion to shout 'BYEEEE BIG BANG!!'. Of course that started everyone off so you had 20-30 Asians shouting bye all over the place while half the airport stared at the weirdos. BUT! BB started to smile and wave at goodbye to us! I died all over again.

They were so damm perfect in real life. Even though I didn't get to talk to them or get a signature, just be able to see them with my very own eyes was worth it. I hope the next time I see these perfect boys, it'll be 5 together and at their 2012 Big Show.


TAEYANG always VIP*.*

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