Apr 30, 2011

Big Bang @ Fanmeeting in Seoul


On April 30th, Big Bang held a special ‘handshake event’ for 1,000 of their fans as one last gift before they officially conclude two months of Korean promotions and head off to Japan for their upcoming tour.

As it is their last time seeing their Korean fans before “Inkigayo” tonight, the members were all smiles as they personally shook hands and high-fived each of their fans. One child even received a kiss on the cheek from leader G-Dragon, earning cries of jealousy from the rest of the crowd.

In an interview with Star News after the event, the members stated, “This was the first time we held an event to shake hands with our fans like this. It makes us feel good that our fans had a lot of fun.

They continued, “We were worried a bit since we hadn’t promoted in such a long time, but we just focused on getting up stage and enjoying it. We’d like to thank our fans for supporting our comeback for the first time in two years.

The boys will be holding their goodbye stage on SBS’sInkigayo” with a special intro track and “Love Song.” Starting May 10th, they’ll be kicking off their “Love & Hope” tour in Osaka, followed by Nagoya and Chiba.

his is the first of hopefully many future stories about meeting Big Bang.

So as a review, I, along with like 1000 other fans, was selected to attend this Big Bang Special Edition Mini Album commemorative handshake event. So I went to Ilsan this afternoon, through the absurd rain (it was freaking pouring and my Toms got soaking wet in the rain and my toes are still a little bit numb). I left my house at 3:00 and managed to not arrive until 4:50 or so, which was just about exactly the right time to waltz in, get in the line and get my tickets without hardly waiting at all. I was in the second section, number 186. This didn’t really mean anything, as that number doesn’t correspond to the order of handshaking or even to the seat number which I ended up in.

I met another foreigner (maybe a gyopo, it’s hard to say…) who is studying Korean for the semester in Seoul and he was one of like three total dudes there. So that means we each had our personal trademark (I was the only blonde! Also, I was probably the only person above 180cm).

Anyways, I received that headband with the cut out of them, with fake signatures on the back. And then I waited. And waited. And waited.

They started a little late because of the rain. And then we all got moved up a few rows to fill in the empty seats.

They had been playing the special edition album in the background all the wait time, but then suddenly the music got really loud and out walked Taeyang, and then Daesung, and then TOP, GD and finally Seungri. Seungri walked out arms spread wide greeting the crowd in his usual playful, boisterous manner.

Then Taeyang started by amping up the crowd with some yelling and some say yeah! yeah! Say yeah! yeahs and such. Then all the boys introduced themselves and that was good.

Taeyang was wearing a black leather jacket, really simple style, and NO SUNGLASSES. I guess he’s feeling better from when he wouldn’t take them off in Busan/Daegu. TOP wore a hot pink dress shirt and a gray graphic design jacket. He had glasses on, but he took them off shortly thereafter. Daesung had this sexy studded leather jacket all blingtastic and stuff. GDragon was wearing a bright red button-down, sleeves rolled up, and a blue hat. He wore sunglasses the entire time. Seungri was wearing a black jacket over a graphic t-shirt.

After they introduced themselves, they each signed a t-shirt (each person had one t-shirt, they each signed only their own t-shirt), which would be given away later in the night. Four of them handed the t-shirt to the organizers/staff, but Seung-ri decided to throw the t-shirt around his shoulders and wear it like a cape.

Then, just suddenly, it started. The handshaking stuff. Basically there was a ton of security monitoring everyone and every time someone got a hug, everyone screamed and security moved in to keep the line going. The moved everyone through really fast. Like seriously really really really fast. I realized that all the things I had planned  cvto say would be impossible, even in English in that short a time period, So I had to quickly try to figure out what to say again (not that it would matter once I got up there, which you will see).

Then the girl next to me, who was japanese, started crying hysterically. That’s how excited she was. That literally 30 minutes before it was even her turn she was bawling in excitement.

After shaking hands with maybe 200 people, they took a short break. GD looked really tired. He kept leaning on the table on his hands, and bending over a lot, like he was too weak to stand the whole time. The other four seemed to be healthy and in good spirits. During the break, Taeyang (in the middle of the five) started dancing to the music which got turned up. Then TOP ran over and pushed Taeyang away and he started dancing in his crazy style. Then Seungri got dancing, and it was just one big dance party of Big Bang amazingness.

Then it was back to handshakes. Some memorable handshakes: some girl had Seungri spin her around like they were dancing that was cute, lots of people got hugs from various members. It seems like GD was rejecting a lot of hugs, and daesung wasn’t going a lot either. Other memorable handshakes: BABIES. There were maybe 5 adults who brought children, and those babies got lots of loving. The cutest was a toddler girl, maybe 4 years old, in this beautiful dress she meets GD and gets lots of attention from him, her mom puts her down and she turns around and looks at the audience, kind of like hahahaha, did you see that, GD likes me more than you. Then there was this elementary school boy, maybe grade 4 or 5 when he got up there, Seungri pulled him in towards his chest and gave him a hug. He even gave the kid a couple back pats (which is uncommon most hugs were like not even back touches) and then gave him a love tap on the butt. LOL. Totally not in a bad way, just like a wow look at this cute little kid kind of way.

There was another break. G-Dragon had to leave to go to the bathroom. Taeyang started chanting and singing and dancing, and Seungri broke it down too. Then as the handshaking started again Taeyang keep singing chanting (which would have made me angry if that was when I had to shake his hand because I wouldn’t have his full attention. 

At some point around this time, the Japanese girl next to me literally started sobbing. She was so happy and excited and nervous and thrilled to meet Big Bang she literally started crying hysterically. I knew exactly how she felt.

Then it was FINALLY our turn to go. We walked up to the stage and were handed a disinfectant wipe, had to give our little tickets, and then walked up on stage. Handlers were monitoring the flow of people closely and as I got close, I lost everything that had been in my brain to say. I just though, oh my god, they are the most handsome people on this earth. I am about to touch them. How can I…….?

And then I was right in front of Seungri who stuck his hand right out and said Hiiiiiiiiiiii. In English. And I said Hi! And he said, are you doing okay? (I think I looked like I was about to die… mostly of excitement) And I was just like yes, yes, I’m great. And GD watched and laughed a lot. lol. Then to G-Dragon I just bowed and said hello and thank you. I was kind of in awe of his skin. It was so… so… glowing. It was perfect skin. How does GD get skin like that? It’s PERFECT. Then Taeyang.

Oh. My. God. Taeyang.

He was so fine. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO fine.

And he said to me, Where are you from? And I said America. And he said, cool, thanks for coming. And I said, YESTERDAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY. CAN I HAVE A HUG PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE? And he said of course, and he hugged me, and while he was hugging me he said Happy Birthday. TWICE.

And then I was overwrought with joy and couldn’t think straight when I shook Daesung and TOP’s hands. I just stared at them. I just looked at daesung’s gorgeous smile (he was looking SMOKING that night… I should have gotten a hug from him too) and then TOPs eyes. And it was game over. TOPs eyes were so effing SEXY. OH. MY. GOD.

I would give myself a B+ on the scale of how I acted. I was good for Seungri and Taeyang, and Taeyang was most important, but I was a complete fool with TOP and Dae. After I passed them I was like omg, I want to go back and tell Dae that he was amazing on Thursday and TOP that he is really really tall (like seriously, really tall).

Oh, as an aside, Taeyang is hella short. I  had to bend over hard core to get a hug. I’m about 6’1” (186 cm) and if I had to guess, Taeyang is about 5’6” (168 cm) or so, maybe 5’5”. People who say 5’3” are totally wrong. My best friend is 5’3” and he’s definitely taller than her. 

Other things to note (I can’t place these in the timeline):

  • Taeyang and TOP were like bubbling over with energy. They were super active, and it was awesome

  • G-Dragon said he would’t take his sunglasses off, even though people were asking. He said he is really tired and his eyes don’t look good.

  • G-Dragon did take his glasses off and put on a pair of glasses with a nose attached to them. Like the disguise glasses. That was funny.

  • Seungri danced everytime 어쩌라고 came on.

  • Daesung was a bit quieter/less active than the others. He didn’t necessarily look tired, he just didn’t get so involved (until the end)

  • There was so much G-Ri love going on, omg. Seriously, it was ridiculous. They were next to each other and G-Dragon kept putting his arm around Ri and hugging him and stuff.

At the end, after everyone went through, this head VIP lady came up on stage, and all the members gave her big hugs. First G-Dragon, then Taeyang gave her a back hug. Then Seungri hugged her and put his leg around her. Top gave her a big huge right in the middle of the stage and Daesung laid out on a table and sexily motioned her to come to him, and he kissed her hand and then hugged her. All while TOP was behind him pretending to film some dirty video. LOLZ

Then they all thanked the fans and talked about going to Japan and various stuff. They said they will work hard in Japan and hurry back. And then TOP talked and walked off stage. Then Daesung talked and went off stage and then G.D. talked and sat down in a chair off to the side (he really looked tired at this point) then Seungri talked, yelled out Seungska and everyone yelled back. Then seungri left. Just Taeyang now, and Taeyang talked more than the others because he also spoke in Japanese and ENGLISH! But while he was talking TOP, Daesung and Seungri were acting a fool behing him. TOP ran past behind Taeyang and then Daesung followed after like a girlfriend chasing her frightened off boyfriend after a proposal. Then TOP gave Seungri a piggy back ride run across the back of the stage. And it was just awesome. Then Taeyang finally got to speaking English. He said, “I don’t speak English very well so sorry, but I want to thank all the international fans. There are a lot here today. We had fans from America (I SCREAMED LIKE CRAZY, I think there were only two of us from America, lol), Indonesia, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore (and maybe he said some others, but I don’t remember). So thank you guys so much, Love you and God Bless!

Then everyone danced like crazy. And that was awesome. Seungri shook his butt in slow motion. GD from his chair bounced his hand up and down. TOP got BUSY. Taeyang was gliding all over the place. Dae didn’t really dance. Just a head bob.

And then it was over. And some guy came out and said it was time to give out t-shirts. I didn’t win one. Some girl like 6 rows ahead of me won and she didn’t even seem that excited. Bitch.

But, let’s just say it was the best night of my Big Bang loving life thus far.

One step closer to being besties with Taeyang. And that’s all that matters.


→ Taeyang oppa is really gentle and caring. Of course, he is handsome too. Daesung oppa has a very beautiful smile. I told him, "Oppa, please take care when you are in Japan."Then he nodded and said, "thank you". G-Dragon's hands were really skinny and he was smiling and waving his hands. He was wearing sunglasses but I could still see his eyes.
→ During the break, Taeyang suddenly danced in the middle followed by TOP. Then the other three started dancing too. The music playing was Seungri's "What Can I Do" so he started to "conduct" the cheering of the fans. The hall got filled with the fans cheering "down, down, down". G-Dragon was holding the hand of a fan at that time and was also happily dancing.

→ During the last part, they were repeatedly saying, "We will be fine in Japan. You just have to wait briefly and we will be back in a flash. We are tough men so we can bear this kind of risks." Seungri spoke last and added, "Don't change your love towards us, understand?"

→ After the event, I saw a van. I read the license number and I knew that it was their van. The fans chased after it and knocked on the doors. The van's alarm went off. Haha. It was quite a dangerous thing to do. I saw the windows gradually lowered but the VIPs were all so chic and didn't anymore chase it.


"I mentioned before that if you buy a BIGBANG album, you will get a chance to get picked to attend handshake and fan signing events. But it was only limited to 1000 fans. I've never been lucky with contests my whole life. (Family curse, I guess.) But guess what? I WON!

So today, I went to Ilsan [in Seoul] to attend the fan signing event. It was a dream come true for me. I was inside the hall and the 5 of them were seated in front of me. They spoke in Korean and I understand some bits. When the others laughed, I laughed too. When they sang, I sang too. Same with the screaming and chanting for BIGBANG. I can't forget these moments. Standing in line to greet and shake hands with them, oh my gosh, it still feels like a dream.

Seungri was the first one I got to shake hands with. Beside him was GD, Taeyang, Daesung and then T.O.P. Seungri was the most talkative and also Taeyang. They were always entertaining VIPs. During breaks, they were always dancing. After handshakes, they were loud. GD, T.O.P and Daesung only smiled while watching them.

When I went up to Seungri, I told him, "Hey Seungri, Seungri Seungska!!".

My aim was to spend more time with GD. Since we were wearing hijab, we stood out. I went to GD and I told him, "I really, really like you" and "Can I have a hug?" He only smiled and then hugged me.

After that, it was Taeyang's turn. From what I heard, Taeyang could speak English better than the rest. And it was true. Taeyang said to me, "Thanks for coming" while smiling at me sweetly. I told him, "Come to Indonesia" but I was pushed in front of Daesung by the bodyguard. I shook hands with Daesung and had to go to T.O.P in a hurry.

After reaching T.O.P, Taeyang called out for me. While shaking another person's hands, he told me, "Actually, we will be going to Indonesia next month." I was so shocked that he called me so what he said didn't sink in at first and I just exclaimed, "What?" Taeyang looked back at me but because there were a lot of people already waiting for him, he just continued with the event. I finally realized what he said but then lost the chance to say something to T.O.P :P

Maybe because Taeyang is the most fluent that he is the friendliest among them. Others were friendly but didn't speak in English so Taeyang stood out.

During the last part where they were saying goodbye, someone said, "Yeah finally baby!" It was Taeyang! He added, "Actually my English is not really good but I'll try to. I heard that many fans from abroad, Japan, USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia..." Yes! He said Indonesia! My friends and I shouted "Indonesia" a lot of times.

Meeeen! Today is like I dream. I love them and I love them more now.


TAEYANG always VIP*.*

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