Feb 9, 2011

Jung Eun's father writes a letter to Big Bang...

From Jung Eun’s father
On January 26th at 9AM, despite the support and prayers of countless people and the earnest desires of family, Jung Eun left this world.

Even though the memory of her as a 15 year old girl will live on in her mother and father’s hearts, the thought that we will no longer be to touch her or express our love is extremely saddening and painful.

On that night. The night when Jung Eun struggled to breathe and was losing consciousness. Jung Eun couldn’t speak.

All she could do was answer “yes” occasionally to her mother and father’s crys, and as the night grew deeper even that grew impossible.

“My baby no no no/My baby no no no….” That was the sound Jung Eun made while she was in pain. It may have been because of a faint memory from her consciousness when she was suffering from shock after chemotherapy, when her mother screamed the word “Baby”.

As the night grew deeper the sound of Jung Eun’s cries changed. “Eh go Eh go Aigoo/Eh go Eh go Aigoo” (Sound of struggling in Korean)

When we rubbed honey on her lips she would savour the taste as she ate. She was incapable of swallowing even water so when we dropped water on her lips she would eat like it was the most delicious thing in the world.

She struggled all night like this until the morning when she opened her eyes and looked directly into her mother’s and let out her last long breath. We buried Jung Eun at our family burial ground in Jeon Buk, Sun Chang.

Jung Eun’s grandmother who passed away while Jung Eun was in the hospital would always call her “Puppy~ Our cute little puppy~” and Jung Eun said that she missed her very much. On the day of Jung Eun’s burial in the morning, many white angels fell from the sky.

As if to fill the whole world with white angels… I think I’ll have to plant an azalea next to Jung Eun’s gravestone in Spring. She’ll probably have met with her grandmother who is sure to look after her.

An acquaintance said “Jung Eun is beautiful so she’s sure to become a star in the sky”. I think I’ll have to look at the night sky occasionally to see if Jung Eun is there.

Thank you everyone.

As I look back, the reason why Jung Eun was able to feel happiness and dream and cheer on the 5 year old child in the next room while giving up her scarf as a present despite her pain was because of the strength everyone gave her through your support.

After Jung Eun met Big Bang’s Daesung the reason she was able to say that “there is reason to live on in this world” was because of how touched she was by the kind hearts of everyone. The day before Jung Eun died, there was a girl that came to her hospital room with chocolate and persimmons. That girl who was the same age as Jung Eun was unable to meet her in the end. I told Jung Eun.

There are a lot of vitamins in persimmons, and I think she brought it along because vitamins are good for chemotherapy. I showed her the persimmon and told her to eat one, but she just gazed at it and powerlessly closed her eyes.

The girl brought along chocolates that Jung Eun liked as well, but Jung Eun wouldn’t open her eyes when I offered one. Later on Jung Eun’s mother told me that Jung Eun couldn’t meet the girl because she was ashamed of how miserable she looked.

By any chance if that girl is reading this post, please be understanding of Jung Eun. Jung Eun wanted to meet you as well, but she just wanted to meet you in a prettier state… Jung Eun did that because she didn’t know she was about to die, so please don’t hold it against her. And if anyone would like to come to the house where Jung Eun lived or her burial site, I’d be glad to help.

You people aren’t just simple members of a fanclub, you are angels that were able to bring happiness to a dying girl. Jinusean’s Sean is a Santa that we will remember forever. Thank you.

My wife and I and Jung Eun know very well. Jung Eun would have gone to heaven with a greater gratitude in her heart towards Sean than the happiness she expressed to me as her father. We know of the concern you had in your heart for our Jung Eun as you contacted the hospital frequently to check up on Jung Eun’s condition.

I want to say that it was a great help.

I once said that if I got the chance I’d like to pay the happiness that Sean gave us forward to someone else. A certain newspaper contacted us saying that they’d help children suffering from leukemia. When the details are worked out I’d like to help people along with Sean.

Big Bang! Not simple stars, but the nice oppas next door Despite his busy schedule, Daesung visited the hospital room of a sick girl twice to support and cheer her on. Some may think nothing of it, but that is not easy to do. It was the first time in Jung Eun’s short life that I had seen her so happy.

Jung Eun spent her last moments with Taeyang. Ever since he came to visit Taeyang would occasionally cheer Jung Eun on through text messages. Jung Eun requested not to reveal the texts that Taeyang sent back and forth with her so as not to cause a bother to him though.

The texts that would come occasionally stopped coming one day, and Jung Eun’s mother consoled her by saying “He’s probably busy” and suggested to send a text first, but Jung Eun refused and instead decided to wait claiming that “A girl’s got to protect her pride”, and occasionally talked about Taeyang with her mother. It seems like an angel was with Jung Eun until her very last moments.

The day before Jung Eun left this world, Jung Eun was ecstatic that Taeyang had sent a text saying that he had come back from a trip to America, but she didn’t have much strength at the time so she probably couldn’t have sent a lot of texts.

I’m sure that in the last moments of her short life the innocent love as clear as a spring deep in the mountains that you showed towards her is something that she will take with her in her heart to heaven. She said that she would keep the pinky promise that she had made with Taeyang. Thank you.

The one thing that consoles our sadness and pain is that fact that Jung Eun was happy. We’ll no longer be able to see our Jung Eun who was going through puberty, but we will keep her deep in our hearts forever.

Thank you. I pray that all of you are always healthy and happy.

Okay guys... It's very hard... We don't know what to say! WE JUST HAVE TO TEAR!!! YOUNGBAE OPPA VISITED JUNG EUN ALWAYS AND PROMISED HER TO COME AGAIN WHEN HE'S BACK FROM THE USA!! And now she's not there... Her father wrote a letter to Big Bang to thank them and everyone who prayed for his daughter. We wish for everyone the best... But we think that this message is a shock for our Taeyang who wants to meet her again... talk to her again... A wonderful VIP left us... Mianhe, we don't know what to say___just sadness in the air...

TAEYANG always VIP*.*

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  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Taeyang-KoreanDream, Taeyang-KoreanDream. Taeyang-KoreanDream said: Jung Eun's father writes a letter to Big Bang... http://wp.me/pYtnG-31a [...]
