Sep 27, 2010


The venue was at Kyunghee University’s Peace Hall (경희대 평화의 전당). At first I thought it was quite small and was just like a school theater but seeing it from the outside, man it was huge! Got to see the whole hall from Taeyang’s POV too (got to go to front row during second encore on the 26th XD) and it was really big!

The set for both nights was the same but of course, there were a few differences with both nights with the audience being of different age groups. The first night had more minor fans and during one of his spiels where he had to thank everyone, he cried and was just so overwhelmed by the fans who were there to support him from the beginning… (more info on why he cried later ^^) but for the second night, he was so fired up and very energetic.. I dunno, there’s just a difference with the atmosphere for both nights but they both were very good shows, imo. But on the question whether which night was better? The second night wins, hands up. XD

VID: Taeyang sleeping. White sheets, white top… looking like a sweet angel sleeping XD

The first song was기도 (Prayer). He came from above standing on a circle thing that has lights around it, and from the center where I was seated (I got VIP C area and was right in the center for the first night, and VIP B area for second night^^), it looked like a sun coming down from the skies. XD He wore white sleeveless top with studs on its collars… something like the one he wore in I’ll Be There? Except it’s white. XD I dunno what it’s called though.

For the second night, there was some problem with his throat during one of the choruses and his voice didn’t come out so nice, good thing he got to clear it in time for the next line and his performance continued smoothly.

Next song was I’ll Be There… he removed his shades and people cheered. It was quite a popular song with the adult crowd cos the cheering was louder on the second night. XD Nothing special with this perf, it’s the same ones he does in his TV performances but the stage had an elevated platform that he gets to walk up to… so it was like what he did in his video during the bridge part.

Right after that was 죄인 (Sinner)… I don’t remember if it’s the same with the first night but for the second night, he did this very cool move wherein he removed his vest swiftly and threw it to the crowd. Really cool. XD He was then wearing just a white tanktop. Then a chair came in with favorite dancer JiHye on it, and they danced together. Taeyang of course kissed her on the cheeks for the first night, but for the second night, he held her face and pretended to kiss her on the lips and with much feeling too! (like moving their heads quite a number of times XD)After that perf was his first set of spiels or what Koreans call a “MENT”… For the first night, he talked about having come this far, from having his first mini album and his first concert, and now, his first album… he thanked everyone who supported him from the beginning, and for coming to his concert. He also mentioned that he wanted to show the audience a very good performance, and usual stuff people say during concerts. XD

But for the second night, he excitedly said that since it was an adult show, he can sing his lyrics the way he likes it and show the audience whatever he wants, quite saying that he’s more free to do things on that night. XD And he was quite funny cos it was like was he deprived yesterday?! XD He also added that he wanted it to be a concert that not only his fans will enjoy but also a concert that music lovers will enjoy, and that fans can remember even next year or even after 10 years after. So he just wished that the audience would enjoy the show XD After that, his coat came in from a moving platform. It had a print of his image on the back~ then it was Just A Feeling!!!~

For Just A Feeling, they did a variation with the tempo of the song wherein they go a bit slow and sexy on the “yeah~ yeah~ yeah” part… XD There was a lot of grinding for that song and of course he made it extra sexier for the second night… Plus he gave more feeling to the “yeah” parts XDDD

Right after that was Move… the platform on stage had three poles installed on them and there were two more poles that came in with girls at the sides… JiHye was the one in the middle pole, as always XD The ladies wore white boyfriend polos which were unbuttoned on the second night. Of course Taeyang also danced on the pole!!XD There was a move wherein the lady dancers would be opening their legs to the audience and Taeyang was strategically placed in front of JiHye, hehe. XD For the second night, the girls who already came with unbuttoned tops removed their tops and of course it was sexier… Taeyang then danced to each of the three dancers on the platform, well, just two of them actually.. the girl on the right he grooved with, and then JiHye, she put her legs on him sorta like clutching him with her legs! I think he also kissed her on her cheek then XD Lucky girl XD They all moved from the poles and danced in a group, the girls gathered on him and they were all grooving together!!~ It was a nice performance ^^Then the girls left and he continued the performance alone~After that was My Girl… his dancers came in and he threw his tanktop to the crowd, of course by then he was topless XD They did a lot dance where his biceps were flaunted, I really loved the one where he does a square stance and moves his arms in a flexing motion… can’t describe much, I hope there’s a vid ㅠ.ㅠ and then they mopped the floor with the very sexy floor dance moves XDDD Really hot. XD One thing weird though, I think he did those dances even sexier on the first night compared to the second hahaha XD He seemed a bit tired while doing the floor dances on the second night. >.<>

Now this one, is a factor to why the second night rocked so much more than the first. XD During this 'rest' part, a video was played during the first night but what did we get as intermission on the second night? 2NE1!!! CL shouted ‘wassupppp’ and everybody was surprised that these girls came!!~XDDD They sang Can’t Nobody and that really got the fans all the more fired up on the second night! Their performance was very powerful and the crowd totally loved them ^^ BTW, there were a number of male fans on my row and they were just screaming in joy when 2NE1 came. But they did not scream as much as they did for Taeyang. YES, they scream.XDAfter 2NE1′s fired up Can’t Nobody performance, they talked for a while saying that they went yesterday to see the show and thought that it’d be great if they can also perform on a stage like that. So they were grateful that they got invited to perform. (Duh, they’re from YG! Of course they should perform XDDD)

After the talk, CL asked the audience to stand up so they can enjoy the performance more~ Next song was Go Away and it was party mood on the VIP area!!XD (I can’t say much for those in the 2nd and 3rd floor, I can’t see them ㅠ.ㅠ) It was a very lively performance and seriously, people are jumping up and down on their places!! Too bad they didn’t sing Clap Your Hands

The intermission video was shown next after 2NE1's intermission, and this too, has quite a difference with the both nights… The vid's a continuation of Taeyang sleeping on his bed, but this time, a girl arrives… and walks up to his room… clips of his naked self in You're My was interlaced in this video.. The first night had PG cuts but that's not to say that the adult version had explicit content XD But well, the younger fans won't be able to take seeing Taeyang with a girl, on a bed, cuddling and looking soooooo cute and smiling like there's no tomorrow, so yeah, all those good parts were not shown on the first night. Or else his younger fans would all be leaving the concert venue crying XD

He came out in a tux for You’re My…

It was really a hard song for Taeyang to do, even he said so… so on the second night, after singing the song flawlessly, there was a “yeah” part again, right? He sang extra yeahs like he was so happy it’s finally over!XD He then smiled bashfully, and yeah, he was really happy… maybe he was too much pressured with that song hehehe XD

He continued to talk again, saying that he couldn’t sleep much before this concert cos maybe he was too nervous or too excited? Anyway, he was restless, yepp, that’s the word. XD He wanted to give a good performance that everyone will appreciate, and for the second night, not only his fans as Taeyang came, but also people who appreciate his music and like him not only as a hot singer but as a real singer. (There’s this stereotype with singers in Korea… “idols” are idols and cannot sing or perform well, they only got pretty faces, etc… Of course every artist would want to be recognized for their talents and not only for their looks, and that’s what’s hard to prove specially here in Korea wherein older people would look down on some artists and think they’re just for kids. That’s another thing that’s different with the second night, there are many people who came who like Taeyang for his music and that, to him, was an approval and appreciation of him as a singer.) He then continued with saying that since that was an adult concert, more pretty ladies came than the first day!XD He said since a lot of girls came, he’s sure he can find his ideal girl among the crowd… but since too many pretty girls came (according to him), it’ll be a hard task… Anyway, he removes his coat, gets a fedora hat and continues to sing I Need A Girl… he walks down to the audience to try to find his ideal girl!!~ While doing so, he dances to some lucky girls at the front rows… hee-hee!XD

After “searching”, he got a girl to go up on stage with him… he was like, “grab my arm” and escorted her to the stage… while doing so, he asked for her name and age.. girl from the first night was maybe 18? or 19? not sure, but definitely younger than him and he was like: “Woooooh!” Haha. I love it when Taeyang does that, like he’s won something or what XDDD Then for the second night, he got a girl who was his age, and when he asked how old she was, she said “we’re the same age” (동갑) and he was like, “Oh, we’re friends!” (cos there’s this whole thing about Koreans not being ‘friends’ if they’re not of the same ageXD)…

They finally climb up the stage and there was a couch where they could sit… Then he gave the girls he chose a gift… it was an underwear set!XD After that, he laid down on her lap and continued singing I Need A Girl to her! OMG it was totally like the end scene in 나만바라봐 Look Only At Me!XDD The ideal girls Taeyang got had long hair, and he both brushed them to their ears while he was lying down… XD

Then he sat up and sang “girl I just gotta make you mine, imma treat you right baby~” then.. he steals a kiss on the cheek on that lucky girl from the first night! It was really quick and cute, and the girl was totally caught by surprise XD He didn’t get to kiss her really on the cheek though cos her hair was on the way >.<>

He quickly came back for Connection and it was like a broadway show~ I love how the dance was so fun, a bit jazzy and he was just like playing onstage specially on this song. ^^
Next was his duet with IU… they sang Usher and Monica’s Slow Jam, and these two, were really good!! Taeyang was at the left extended stage and IU was at the right extended stage, and they came to meet at the center during the chorus… it was quite awkward between the two of them cos maybe IU was just too shy around Taeyang XD She can’t even look him in the eyes XDDD and during the part where the lyrics say “dance with me”, and Taeyang was just grooving in front of her and dancing to her, she was so still and couldn’t move XDDD But she really sang so well ^^ After their performance, Taeyang hugged her tight and went off the stage.

IU then spoke to the crowd and it was quite funny cos for the first night, she was quite nervous and was explaining that there might be some fans who hate her but she says she is also Taeyang’s fan and is a VIP.. so she hopes that other VIPs would treat her well and not hate on her. XD The fans of course cheered her on and she continued to sing Leona Lewis’s Better with Time. On the second night, she felt a bit more relieved and said that since the second night all of the audience are her unnie and oppa (elder sister and brother), she’s confident that they will take care of her. Response was also much better on the second night than the first nightXD After her song, she exited and Taeyang came back wearing a black jacket and jeans, and was sitting on a chair.He sang Baby I’m Sorry while sitting and there was a background of some silver tin stuff suspended on air, and there was a laser show too… first with his image and then his logo… towards the bridge part of the song, he threw the chair in “anger” and I dunno why but many people liked it XD

He then removed his jacket to reveal his black tank top and continued on singing to Wedding Dress… For the second night he did a 360 flip and that was really awesome!XD

The live band played Justin Timberlake’s Like I Love You to showcase themselves and they were really, really very good. ^^After their intermission, Taeyang came back in a red jacket and white top, with Superstar. It seems to be a very popular song among the adult crowd too as by this time, everyone stood up and got on their feet and just started to dance along with him! He continued with Break It Down and it was really fun too, specially during the “elevator 처럼 we go up and down… ” part… his dancers carried him and were putting him up and down and he did it so flawlessly, it was a really fun performance!XD

Then as an ode to his favorite singer Michael Jackson, he sang I Want You Back!~ Everyone during the second night were so fired up during these performances, no one dared to sit back and relax anymore XD Even Taeyang was very much more powerful and energetic that night! Fans from the first night didn’t stand up and were all calmly sitting on the chairs and watching him perform though, not that there’s anything wrong about it. It’s just a difference with the crowd is what I’m saying.

After that, he continued with a ment and this is the part where he was supposed to continue with his thanksgiving. The first night was really memorable because he cried and you can tell it’s not really a planned crying (sorry I’m quite skeptical with these artists crying, some really do it for show yknow >…<) and just continue showing his best and show even better performances next time… but for now, this would be the last time… He thanked everyone for waiting for him , he even got on his knees ㅠ.ㅠ He said that it's because of everyone that he got this opportunity to go up on stage and that we all should wait for him, and if we just wait, we'll get something in the end… He also said, like the first night, that he hopes that the people would continue listening to music, and being happy when listening to music, even if it's not his own music. And he was quite funny cos he's really just saying a lot of stuff… he even bursted out "ah, right now we're at the Peace Hall… so.. PEACE! and.. LOVE!" and made hand gestures for that XD He also mentioned that this was his last song so he was telling the crowd that they should have stood up earlier cos those were almost the last parts of his set! After a lengthy talk, he continued with a song that everybody knows… 나만바라봐 Look Only At Me.

It was a remix version and it was really nice~ He added lyrics to it and this is what it says:

끝까지 나만 바라보면 되 You can look only at me until the end

내가 다른 여자 만나도 Even if I meet another girl

여기 수많은 여자들땜에 Because of all these many ladies here

너만 사랑하긴 힘든데 It’ll be hard to love only you (makin’ love tonight)

매일 단 사람 품에 at another person’s embrace (makin’ love tonight)

안겨 잠들고픈데 i want to fall asleep

(네가 바람펴도 절대로 안되, 너 나 이해해) You can never ever flirt with others, you should understand me

나만 바라보면 되 You can only look at me ………. I’ll try my best my baby~ I’ll try my best my baby~

I’ll try my best my baby, baby, my baby

oh yeah I’ll try my best my baby

Can’t you trust again

Don’t go away my lady

Keep you close to my arms oh oh no no no

*THIS SONG. Is totally. Screwed. But full of win. XD It’s a bad boy’s song and really selfish but can you really say no when Taeyang sings this to you? XD

Funny thing though, during the second night, Taeyang was saying, “to all the ladies here… PLEASE DON’T DATE A GUY LIKE THIS.” hahahaha. XD

He then exits and the stage lights dim. It was to cue for the crowd to shout ENCORE! and of course we all did, for both nights of course. And as we all know, they already have prepared an encore stage. XD

After that, he removed his cap and threw it to the audience! (Yes, he loves giving stuff to the audience hahaha~ lucky those who were up front!^^) and then he removed his hoodie too and threw it to the crowd and then continued to singing Take It Slow. By then he was wearing a black top (his concert shirt which was cut on the sleeves, and he was wearing white tank top underneath)… Of course he got to remove his black top and threw it to the audience as well, and later on, he took off his white top too and threw it to the crowd. Topless Taeyang FTW!XD

He then got on that round sun thing and went up and the curtains came down…

For the first night, that was the end of it. Actually, no, there was a “behind the scenes” video that was shown after…

BUT.. for the ones who went to the second night… who just can’t get enough of Taeyang… we got something MORE.

Actually some fans already left the venue as they didn’t expect for Taeyang to come back for another performance, and they were showing the video already, so that’s like cue for people to go. But because it was such a good night, many people still can’t move on and were still amazed at the concert that just happened, many were talking to friends and just sharing stuff. As for me, I went forward towards the nearer seats to check if the confetti had some special print on it (some concerts usually do and it’s quite a nice souvenir XD) but no, they were just plain ones… XD And since I really liked the remix version, but though I understood what he said, I didn’t remember the exact words to it so I went to ask some other fans for the lyrics. But while doing so, some fans were shouting ENCORE! ENCORE! and whaddyaknow. TAEYANG DID COME OUT FOR ANOTHER ENCORE PERFORMANCE!

I was quick to rush to the front row and yes… I WAS ON FRONT ROW THEN!!!~ Wooohoo! OMG I didn’t think that could happen ^^ All his backup dancers have changed clothes already and so did he, he was already in a fresh tank top and looked like he can easily go… but he didn’t just yet! I bet he too didn’t wanna leave and want the concert to go on forever, so he asked the fans if they really do want another encore, and asked which songs they wanna hear. I hear from my side people shouting for Superstar and 나만바라봐 Look Only At Me and he made us choose between three songs… finally, people chose the third one, which was Look Only At Me and he sang the remix version again~!^^

Seeing him dance right in front of me (well, OUR area~ but i was quite near the stage and was almost at the middle part so.. yeah, he was right in front of me ㅠ.ㅠ) was just pure awesome. XD I can’t even imagine how much more the fans who were really seated at the front rows could have felt! Full two hours of Taeyang right in front of them must have been totally unforgettable XDWhen he got down on his knees you could really feel that he was so moved and overwhelmed by the people’s response and love for him that he really can’t get himself to go. He was singing with his whole heart and after that, he removed the tape that holds his lapel and was like, “i’m done!” and joked that with that song, he can now go home… but of course fans still kept on asking for more, and so he sang Take It Slow.

After that, he went back up the round sun thing and was shouting love and peace! He even said Thank You! I think Taeyang was quite aware of the amount of foreign fans that came to his show that night specially when I together with another friend was shouting stuff in English and yepp, he could hear us because we were so close XD There was really a number of foreign fans present from all over!^^After he left, the show director was saying that that was really his last performance and the concert has ended. So the lights went up and people started exiting. My friend and I decided to wait for Taeyang outside when his van leaves and it was a really good decision because…

he had his windows rolled down and he was all smiling and was even saying thank you to the fans who were left there at the venue. ^^


TAEYANG always VIP*.*

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