Jul 16, 2010

New critic for SOLAR!

Earlier we posted a critic for ou sunshines SOLAR. Now a second one was written:

Kim Hakseon (music webzine Boda’s chief editor) ★★★★
We’re witnessing a person who is realizing his dream from being an idol to his current stage. Taeyang’s SOLAR is this proof. His vocals have become more expressive and deeper and the musical breadth is much wider. In a few words, it’s a good R&B album. Congratulations on putting your name on the “AWESOME” list in the domestic R&B scene in the list made by Deez and Jinbo!


Cha Woojin (popular music critic) ★★★
There is obviously a strong impression that he tried to maintain a balance between what the company wanted and what he wanted. So sometimes, it sounds simple. But even though songs like “Look Only at Me” are not on this album, I can’t say that I haven’t understood him till now. I believe that having accuracy in shooting with consistency is more important than shooting very high all at once (in other words, he says that its better to rise slowly than be at the top all at once). So I think it’s a good start.

Lee Minhee (music webzine 100beat’s editor) ★★★☆
YG can aim to reach the R&B Billboards with  an ideal model in Taeyang who can vouch and represent the companies growing sound technology. The producers didn’t just make this album in a rush or dull. Rather, there is an elastic rhythm and polished eclectic melody to the voice of the meticulous entertainer who puts his heart and soul into every breath of dancing and singing. This is an unconventional album. It is a piece of the company, the singer and the audience, where everyone can share their peace and satisfaction. It’s the buttery lyrics of “I Need a Girl” stand out alone.

Kim dohun (songwriter) ★★★☆
If G-dragon is Big Bang’s everchanging hairstyle, then Taeyang is Big Bang’s hidden abs. After the short novel “HOT”, the first full length book “SOLAR” is a piece that shows YG’s producing ability which takes on and absorbs American R&B. Taeyang’s capability to control his own musical ambitions were thoroughly harmonized in this album. Besides, it shows the sensual side of young males reaching the age of 20.


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