Jun 27, 2010

Fan meets Taeyang!!

A fan who is a blogger from the fansite Always Taeyang met him in the YG building!! Here's what she wrote about this unbelievable meeting:

Knowing I had a few days left before I returned to the States I bothered my friend again to see if he could get his friend to let me meet Taeyang. He called his friend asked him if it was possible if we could meet him today. His friend told him he’ll call him back after what seem like forever he finally called. He said to come now that Taeyang said it was okay for 10 mins.

I didn’t think it was possible for a moment there I started to freak out and told my friend to forget it. Well to be short, I was in front of YG building freaking out inside. We walked to a choreography room and there sitting down on a chair was Taeyang!

He got up and bowed while smiling. I was literally freaking out more than before.  After the introduction, we sat down and awkwardness hit us. I couldn’t remember what I wanted to ask him all I did was look at him. I did asked him questions but they were questions he already had been asked. I was so mad at myself. He asked how I knew about him and what I thought about his music. I told him he was an inspiration to not just me but to a lot of international fan. I told him if he gets a chance to search for alwaystaeyang that it was a blog about him that brought different fans around the world. He said he would try when he gets a chance to use the computer.

All this was said with my friend translating what I was saying. I know taeyang understood what I said because he would smile and nod. I guess he’s not comfortable speaking english yet he did said some stuff in english and it was so cute! Another thing I noticed that’s always a topic- his height. I’m 165 cm(5’4 ft) and well sad to say this but his not that tall maybe (5’6 ft) I don’t know what’s that in cm.

Okay so you might wonder what about the pictures. Here’s the deal I was only able to take one and its not flattering. Apparently, meeting him was too much for me to handle that I fainted…like seriously who the heck faints now a days, only me I guess. When my friend said take a picture with him I was so happy I got near him already posing only to feel lightheaded and all I remember is falling forward and that’s when the camera had flashed. When I woke up I was already back at the hotel. My friend of course didn’t help and just kept on laughing at me. All I can say is Taeyang really is a sweetheart and a shy guy just as we see on all those videos on youtube.

I was star struck. Our meeting was pretty short because he had to go back to work on a dance routine apparently they have a concert coming up maybe for the world cup thing that’s going on and also because I fainted from seeing him and the lack of food. I really wanted to ask him for his email but I was so nervous I couldn’t think straight, it was worse than a job interview! [Did you meet Big Bang?] Yes, I did before I went to the room, they were leaving and bowed which I thought was nice. They were so respectful GD of course was bothering Seungri. Daesung and Top were just quiet. I think they found it interesting that a non korean girl was standing in front of them.

When we read this article we almost falled is impotence! This girl must be the luckiest person in this world! We can't believe that... he was just sitting on a chair and was smiling on her... damn... he's just..... soo wonderful!!! Ok.... as you may think after this article we need a small break to find back our mind.....;)

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