Jan 15, 2013

[STAR COLUMN - BIGBANG] Behind Story of the Alive Tour-Taeyang

Hello, this is Taeyang of BIGBANG. This is the first time I say hello to you through the Star Column.
This BB Star Column is not for the stories about the passionate and awesome stages that we experienced all over the world in the year 2012.
I will release some behind scene episodes which you want to know more. I was worried so much how I should start at beginning. But I’ll just do it as I write my diary. Please look forward to it~
There were many chances for us to visit around the world through 2012 World Tour. For me, among all, Peru is the memorable place.
Actually I think it’s the place I won’t have any chance to visit if it had been not for the World Tour.
It was not easy to go Peru. We waited for 10 hrs at the airport for the weather wasn’t good. It took another 10 hrs flight to get there.After all that, I got the first impression in Peru. It was such a shock!
 A lot of fans were waiting for us at the airport, more than any other countries -in Peru. We were surprised once more arriving at hotel.
Arriving at Peru airport. Nice to meet you all~

We were taking some rest in our hotel room and we could hear the sound of shouting and singing that never end from outside.
I thought there was a big amusement park near hotel. But actually that was the sound of our fans waiting for us, singing and shouting. Fans’ performance continued till late at night. The first impression in Peru was very intense.
On the next day all the staffs and the members were talking about the last night saying it was such a new experience.
The fans who were in front of our hotel in Peru. There were a lot, right? 

A moment here! Are you curious about what we’re doing in hotel when we have overseas schedule?
Most members take some rest in their room for the show. We watch variety shows or movies -recent movies and the classic movies as well- that we missed in Korea most of the times. Or we get some sleep, or we get together in one room and chat eating some snacks.
We usually talk about stuffs such as, what program is funny or what movie u have seen. I think the time we chat together is very precious.
The rehearsal for the Peru concert. The little girl is so cute, right?

 I thought, “Why don’t we go out!!” instead of staying at the hotel in Peru so I asked some staffs for help. Our mission was to get out secretly because I was worried of fans safety. It seemed as if we’re on the Mission 007 and it was a success!
I felt sorry for the fans that were waiting in front but I don’t want you to feel bad because I was worried of your safety. After I succeeded to get out, I went to the Incan traditional market because I was interested in the Incan Civilization.
But sadly I couldn’t take any pictures that I was so busy looking around. *tears*
When I went into the Incan market I was too busy looking around n shopping, excited to see the specialties which I’ve never seen before.
I enjoyed shopping at the moment I saw many high-quality handicrafts which I had wanted to buy. I didn’t think what will happen next. I failed when I knew that they want me to unwrap all the things one by one when I get on the plane. *tears* I had to unwrap them and wrap them back again.
Peru performance. Singing very hard, right? ^^

 I thought Peru has its one new culture that many culture has mixed in.
The handicrafts are very beautiful that they will be considered excellent anywhere. I’ll show you what I bought if I’ll get any chance. After the exciting shopping, staffs n I had an exclusive food called SEVICHE. It is the ferment fish n the food is very famous in Peru.
It was my first time having it -SEVICHE. Then I went back to the hotel, again doing the mission 007.
After the pleasing shopping and the delicious food, I completed my first day in Peru, doing the “surprise greetings” for the fans that were waiting till late at night. I heard every foreign celebrity who are staying at the hotel say hello at the balcony, at least for once.
In Peru, a photo w/ all members! I’ll remember the shouting from the night forever.

I Taeyang could perform a passionate stage in Peru having got some energy from looking around an amazing Incan traditional market and from the big support of fans.

Sourc Naver l Translated by: @HuisuYoon via koreanghetto@tumblr

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