Dec 23, 2011

TaeyangKoreanDream's First Project

Finally here it is: the first TyKD project for our lovely Sunshine :)

As we all know Big Bang will comeback in around March next year so I decided to start thie project in order to show our support for YoungBae. Us SOLmates/VIPs had to go through a lot this year together with YoungBae and Big Bang so let's show our love and support for him/them. Let's show how much we missed him/them and that we will keep fight until whenever.

How to participate

You have to send me these information about you as a comment under the page TaeyangKoreanDream's Projects:

1. Name

2. Country

3. Message

4. drawing/pic etc..

DEADLINE: 10th February 2012

You can send me your drawings and pics to or on TyKD's twitter @taeyangkd or my personal account @mYBaeby ^^

Your messages should be either for YOUNGBAE or for the whole group and they can be everything: poems, things you want to tell him/them, songtexts you wrote or anything else that comes to your mind. Same is for your drawings: you can send a picture of you or something creative you've drawn-just anything that you like :) Please remember that this will be a present for Youngbae so please try to put your main focus on him^^but of course messages to Big Bang are appreciated!

After you sent me all your creations, I will create a notebook with all of our messages and pics and send it to Youngbae :) Of course I will update some pics of it so that you all know how the present from US ALL looks like^.^

So SOLmates/VIPs I hope that a lot of you participate in this project to show how much we all love our Sunshine :) Just think of how big his smile will be when he will read aaall of these messages and see the pics ;) I wish a Merry Christmas to all of you and may all your wishes become true :)

TAEYANG always VIP*.*

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