Jul 22, 2010

Taeyang interviewed on GQ Magazine:)

When the sun is shining brightly and the wings are wide spread, for whom does this blue dream blossom for? Do not forget to smile, do not hesitate. When the sun is shining brightly and the wings are wide spread, just let this blue dream blossom into a long-lasting flower-Patti Kim, When the sun is shining brightly, 1967

In our January issue, we interviewed Taeyang (titled, ‘The Youth Doesn’t Cry) and he said that he would release his solo album real quick. But it was only released 7 months later. Moreover, the name of the album also switched from 'REAL' (which he told us) to ‘SOLAR’. Now, we have Taeyang again .

Reporter: I am here to ask for the reason.
TY: Yes, I know that.

Will you tell us what really happened? Even if you smile like that, you have to answer my questions first.
TY: Firstly, I want to apologize for any misunderstanding caused by my previous interview. I know that not everything can be changed by one’s willpower

So… this will be a sad interview, then?
TY: Not really. This will be a happy one. At that time, we really thought that we would release it real quick. I thought we only needed to complete the last stage. However, it took longer than we expected.

Why did it take longer? Is it because there was a change in the theme?
TY: For the theme, yes, you can say there was a big change. This was due to the change of my mood. If I followed my mood last year to make this album, it would not be like this. But during the start of 2010, my mood, including my thoughts and sentiments changed. I only stayed at home most of the time in 2009 so the door of my heart closed little by little. At that time, I felt always tired. Making music should be a happy and a blissful thing so why did I feel tired?

When 2010 started, a snow storm fell. I think it was January 4. At that time, I was in Teddy's house and then I decided that I can't be like this forever. If I keep my heart closed forever, it would cause hurdles to my future music career. This is why I reopened my heart and made up my mind. That was when I knew what kind of music I wanted to do and how I should do it. I was able to see my direction. In fact, when I was being interviewed by you last time, in the album that I said was completed, there were a lot of previous-single-like and previous-mini-cd-like songs.

"Sinner" and "Prayer" (Taeyang's songs) can be described as "dark" subjects, right?
TY: Haha, you are right, I usually sing this kind of songs. How do I describe it? At that time, I was just simply singing. I told the public that I would soon release my CD so it had to be quick. Simply combining the right rhythm, the right pitches and my voice and the song was produced. In my mind, I thought, "Oh, I have to sing this song with this kind of sentiment in order to convey this message." I did not spend that much time on recording either. However, after I reopened my heart, I did not feel satisfied with those songs anymore so I just re-did them.

Is it like the feeling when you read the letter you wrote the night before and then you feel bad?
TY: Yes. But now, whether I am singing or producing my album, it is absolutely fulfllling to me. This is unchangeable to me. I believe if there are any changes on me, you can see that on the stage since nothing can be hidden from there.

At that time, how many songs did you want to put in your album?
TY: Regarding the number of the songs, if those which are recorded but not included in the album are also counted, there would be more than 10.

Is it you who made the final decision?
TY: Of course.

How about the title song?
TY: "I Need A Girl" is actually a song I received in the past. After I practiced the song, I really thought, "Why kimchi fried rice? Why not a steak?" (From the song's lyrics: A girl that will eat the kimchi fried rice that I make instead.)

Oh, I see. Kimchi in Taeyang's fridge.
TY: Haha, that's what I thought at that time. Since they were written by a new lyricist, I thought that it was just not good. I only felt that the melody was refreshing and believed I could make a better song to promote. But if I think like that, I would not be able to release my ablum in 10 years time. That' s why I started to ask people to listen to this song. Comments like "Although it is very different from the songs that you sang in the past, it is the one that can keep keep your original voice best" came up. For me, that's the most important thing.


This is just the first part! The second one will be uploaded when it's availiable!


Isn't he adorable?? Why not steak? HE IS SOOO CUTEE!!! TAEYANG always VIP*.*

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